
Learn PHsPeed by following the lessons

Lesson 0 is an introductory lesson, beneficial if you are new to PHsPeed. This lesson is excellent for getting a short overview of the features without going too deep into the PHsPeed internals. In this section, you will find the courseware of complete working projects that you can follow and use in your projects. Each project will cover many features of PHsPeed. It is not necessary to build all of them, but any project will give a lot of knowledge that is useful in your project. If you are evaluating PHsPeed, then it is recommended to follow 'Build a to-do list' part 1.

Lesson 0: Introduction to PHsPeed

This courseware is your first guide to becoming a PHsPeed developer. This document describes the principles of PHsPeed, the IDE, creating applications, generating and testing the code, and deploying the project. Before you start to build any of the tutorial projects, begin by reading lesson 0, introduction. If you are not (very) familiar with PHP, this document also contains a PHP crash course to teach you the basic principles of PHP.

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Project: Build a to-do list

This course teaches you how to create a maintainable to-do list. The current version contains everything you need to make a working application. This lesson will be enhanced with other modules to extend the system with more features.

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