Sample applications

Sample applications

These applications are a snapshot of the things you can do with PHsPeed. They will be expanded over time, so check them out regularly.
The samples are divided into 'simple samples' and 'more complex samples'. All the samples have no 'commit/save' button to prevent misuse.

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Sample: Employees (Salaries of employees with graph)

This sample shows a grid with employees. You can refine-search on gender and date of birth by opening the search box on the left side of the form. You can also perform a form search by opening the search form on the top. Finally, you can search by entering some criteria in the search box.

The grid has a few custom buttons to pre-filter the data on gender, and to process data of selected rows. It will show the employee numbers then.

By using the 'add' button, or using the pencil, you can add new rows or edit/delete them. In this sample the commit button has been removed, to protect the sample.

If you click on the salaries link, then a new form is opened and a graph will show the situation of the salaries over the past years. You can change the chart type.

Overall this is a good example of functionality you will probably need most of the time. This application can be built without a single line of code. However, in the form of the graph, you have a drop-down field that can change the graph type. This is a 'free' button that triggers an Ajax event and changes the title of the graph:

function btn_1_onClick($app)

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