PHsPeed Documentation

Getting Started

If you want to evaluate PHsPeed, the following documents will help you get started!

Introduction These documents explain the basic functionality of PHsPeed. They allow you to get started and learn the first principles.
PHsPeed introduction 1: Get started Learn the basic concepts of PHsPeed.
PHspeed introduction 2: Hello world Create a simple application. Learn the principle of responsive applications using Bootstrap Grid
PHsPeed introduction 3: Application Wizards To speed up your development, start creating your modules by using the application wizzards.
PHsPeed introduction 4: Programming PHsPeed is a low-code, not a no-code environment. Learn the principles of events to modify the standard PHsPeed behavior.
PHsPeed introduction 6: more on events and coding Learn advanced techniues.
PHsPeed introduction 7: debugging your code Does the application not behave as expected? Learn to debug your code, by setting breakpoints, inspecting variables and more.
PHsPeed introduction 8: deploying your applications At some point you want to see your application in action on the web. Learn the steps to succesfully deploy your applications.
PHsPeed introduction 9: Working with libraries under construction
IDE (Integrated development environment
PHsPeed IDE 1: Form design Learn how to design your forms by using advanced IDE functions.
PHsPeed IDE 2: Editing code Learn how to use the syntax-aware editors and more advanced IDE functions.
PHsPeed Basics: Components Learn the component-oriented structure of PHsPeed
PHsPeed Basics: Forms 1 Learn how to create a form application using the application wizard.
PHsPeed Basics: Grids 1 Learn how to create a grid application using the application wizard. Add sorting and more.
PHsPeed Basics: Grids 2 Add advanced grid functions like sums and totals, row style, and master-detail.
PHsPeed Basics: Grids 3 More advanced grid functions like multi-select, process selected records, add custom fields.
PHsPeed Components 1: Layout Describes the lay-out components like cRow, cColumn, cPanel and more.
PHsPeed Components 2: Basic editing Describes the basic editing components like (db)edit, (db)label etc.
Manual version 3.5
Manual as pdf This is the full manual of PHsPeed version 3.5. This file gets regular updates, so check it out from time to time.
Manual as EPub This is an epub version of the manual.
Online manual This is the online version of the manual.

PHsPeed install prelease

PHsPeed How-to