Aducom Software initially developed software for third parties as a contractor, primarily focusing on education, healthcare, and other related industries. As a proof of concept, we developed an application for the Coalition for Inclusion, a Dutch organization that advocates for the integration of people with disabilities into society. Our application serves to aid people with disabilities in becoming independent individuals who can travel, attend school, and live wherever they choose. The application plays a crucial role in establishing communities of individuals with expertise in specific fields, regions, and event organization. We designed the site with screen readers in mind, ensuring that the text is easily readable by those who use them. Through our Google map feature, users can easily locate information and resources pertaining to their specific disability within their own region. Recently, we have migrated our application to PHsPeed, utilizing its powerful application generators and components to streamline development. The registration page allows "Ambassadors" to register and define their areas of expertise. From their personal portal, they can manage their data and contribute to the larger community. The administrator page is where the system administrator performs configuration tasks, such as setting up email templates. Finally, the main map page is utilized across different websites dedicated to various kinds of disabilities. |
Building the chart is easily done by using the GoogleMaps component. To feed the map, the database is read and send to the chart:
$q='select * from initiatief where poolid=:p';
if($ov !='') { $q.=' and '.$ov; } // append to the 'where' clause, based on the
if($rv !='') { $q.=' and '.$rv; } // checkboxes that the user has set
if($iv !='') { $q.=' and '.$iv; }
$$q->setStringFieldByName(':p', 'A');
if($rv===false) {
} else {
while(!$$q->simpleeof()) {
$$gmaps_1->newCoordinate($rv['la'],$rv['lo'], $rv['organisatie'], $rv['naam'].' '.$rv['plaats'], $icon, $rv['login'], $c);
Selecting a pin will pop up a dialog for more information, which are not in the screenshot due to privacy issues.
Other elements do not require coding but can be created by using the application wizard, templates or by creating the form using the visual form designer.
Login page:
To maintain templates, PHsPeed has a wizard to create the tables and forms. Because the application is migrated from another environment, we maintained the current database and made a mapping manually (no code involved).
The registration page requires emailing and that part needs to be done manually. In version 3.1 there are wizards that help you to create these code snippets by using a wizard, but creating them manually is no rocket science at all.
$$tpl_1->templateid='einschrijving'; // load template from the database
$$tpl_1->AddParameter('name', $$enaam->value); // add template parameters
$$tpl_1->AddParameter('link', $link);
$txt=$$tpl_1->getText(); // create the text block
$$email->subject = 'bevestig uw inschrijving bij VN Ambassadeurs';
$$email->recipients = $$eemail1->value; // setup the email (other settings are setup by the component from a preferences table)
$$email->htmlbody= $txt;
$$email->sendmail(); // send the email
As PHsPeed uses Bootstrap to render pages, everything is responsive. The map shown is based on a mobile device but will render well on a regular website, where it will adapt automatically to the dimensions that the website where it is hosted has provided.