Troubles dragging and dropping controls

VictorUlloa, Tue Dec 27 2022, 12:34PM

Hello: when I use the project tree to try to organize components, there are some troubles.

For example: I have an app with 4 data grids, each in her own panel. I first created the grids, and then created and empty 3 x 3 grid. When I try to drag any on them to one of the columns in the empty grid, doesn't always work. The component is placed "randomly" under any other item in the tree.

I just re-drag and drop it until it cames under the component I want.

I'm using PHsPeed 2.3.1 B1 - X64 under Windows 11 Pro.
Re: Troubles dragging and dropping controls
administrator, Thu Dec 29 2022, 07:18PM

Thank you for posting, I'll try to replicate.