Generate menu items by default for all existing modules

masino.sinaga, Sun Jul 10 2022, 01:38PM

PHsPeed should be able to generate all menu items for the existing modules that already created in a project, especially if we select "Layout_2" or "Layout_3" under Project properties -> Default layout.

As we've already known, those Layout_2 or Layout_3 has Sidebar area; which is the best layout in order to generate the menu items from the existing module items.
Re: Generate menu items by default for all existing modules
administrator, Sun Jul 10 2022, 02:22PM

Thank you for your suggestion. The upcoming release has a drag/drop option to put the modules in place in the menu, and generated the link automatically. Will be released after summer. But there is certainly room for improvement.

Re: Generate menu items by default for all existing modules
administrator, Sun Jul 10 2022, 02:35PM

To use a vertical menu, you can consider putting the vmenu on your form in layout_1 and share the menu items. PHsPeed generates a name for you, but you can reuse the container over all application modules.
Re: Generate menu items by default for all existing modules
masino.sinaga, Mon Jul 11 2022, 12:10AM

Thank you for the upcoming version with the new feature you mentioned above. Can't wait to use it. ;-)

Also, thank you for your suggestion to use vmenu on layout_1. I will give it a try.