Underscore character in project id that will cause an error

masino.sinaga, Sun Jul 10 2022, 05:40AM

If I include the underscore character in the Project id (for example, I entered phspeed_demo), and then hit the New project button, then I got the following error message:

"Unable to create file "D:\PHsPeed\projects\phspeed_demo\phspeeddemo.phsprj": The system cannot find the path specified.
Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.
Press Abort to kill the program.

If I click on OK button, then try to compile and preselect selected application, I also got the same error message above.

I found the causes. It seems PHsPeed generates two folders under the "projects" folder:
1. phspeed_demo --> under this folder, I saw "phspeeddemo.phsprj" file
2. phspeeddemo --> under this folder, I saw "main.css" and "main.jstpl" files.

Suggestion: you should not allow us to enter underscore character in the Project id in order to prevent the error message above, OR, if you want to obviously allow us to include underscore character as the Project id, then you should handle it in order to prevent the error message appears.
Re: Underscore character in project id that will cause an error
administrator, Sun Jul 10 2022, 06:30AM

Thank you for the report. Send to bugtracker. You can follow the progress here: https://www.phspeed.com/bt/index.php?do=details&task_id=402