Release PHsPeed V2.2 Beta (Build 5)

administrator, Mon Jun 06 2022, 01:28PM

Release PHsPeed V2.2 Beta (Build 5)
To migrate your projects from an older version require a few steps:

1.    Make a separate folder and copy your project to there. Use this folder only for the 2.2 release
2.    Open your project and go to the forms that contain grids.
3.    In the grid, go to the fields property and apply the primary key (set primary key property)
4.    Go to the uniqueid property in the grid and apply the fields that form a unique combination. Most likely, just the key is enough.
5.    Go to the javascript of the module
6.    Clean javascript
7.    Compare javascript and accept changes.

Why this change:

The change was required as the grid did not preserve the correct row. If you select row 3 and go to another page, row 3 will be chosen again, which is unwanted behavior. Now selecting is done on key value.

Other bugfixes

  • We applied changes to the JSCharts components. There will now be compiler warnings on issues.
  • We applied changes to all visual and editable components. Positioning labels on top or before the input field should now work without issues.
  • Sometimes fields did not become editable because of lacking an 'enabled' property. This is fixed.

New functions in V2.2

  • The DataBase grid has new properties for custom buttons that allow round buttons that especially look better in mobile apps. The 'new' button can also contain a rounded configuration. Finally, the database navigator configuration allows defining buttons as rounded.
  • There is a little misunderstanding in regards to PWA. Under Android, you get an install option that does not appear under IOS. The reason is that Apple hasn't implemented the rules in their Safari browser (yet). But you can install the app manually: To install one on iOS or iPadOS, load the PWA-capable site, choose the Share up-arrow at the bottom of the screen, and select Add to Home Screen. Note you can do the same for any website, but you won't get the offline functionality of a true PWA.
  • The Database grid has a new property to suppress rebuilding of master grids. This is especially useful when you have master-detail relationships.
  • The data section of the Database grid has a new property that creates a sticky header
  • There is a help button that gives you direct access to the helpfile. I.e. select a component and click on the help, will open the helpfile for that component.

New components in V2.2

  • Components for audio and video (MP3, MP4, Vimeo, Youtube)
  • Component for PayPal
  • Component for vertical menu bar.

We are working hard on our documentation and samples. That is a continuous proces. The overall manual can be downloaded as a PDF or EPub as well. The wiki page of PHsPeed has been replaced by the homepage of PHsPeed.

Improved functions in V2.2

The debugger is more responsive and we fixed a crash that sometimes occured when you closed PHsPeed before the termination process of the debugger was ready.
The IDE has been cleaned up, duplicate functions have been removed, the buttons for new modules and application wizard; and the debugger toolbar are relocated.

Known issues

The datetime picker is broken in the current bootstrap version. The original developer has migrated his component to a new release that is not depending on Bootstrap, and does not support the old components anymore. In this prerelease, you can use the field, but opening the date-field will have rendering issues. We are investigating options here. Migrate to the latest release, or find another component.