Imported blank app does not work

VictorUlloa, Thu Sep 12 2024, 02:38PM

I got a blank app in one of my projects, I exported it and then imported it in another project.

In the second project the app doesn't work

2024-09-12 13:51:51 |
Runtime error
[ Error: Call to undefined method sec_backup_blank_1::getCurrentTheme() in /home/diteclac/public_html/phs/gestion/_libs/php/spapplication.php:300
Stack trace:
#0 /home/diteclac/public_html/phs/gestion/sec_backup.php(184): spapplication->init('M', Array, Array, Array)
#1 {main}]

Comparing the generated app in both project, the PHP is completely different.

MY GUESS is the app was imported as a "regular" app and not a blank one, and that adds unnecessary/incorrect code to the generated app.

Re: Imported blank app does not work
administrator, Thu Sep 12 2024, 03:08PM

Thnx fot reporting. We've added it to the bug list.
Re: Imported blank app does not work
administrator, Tue Sep 24 2024, 07:39PM

Issue is located and fixed. Will become available in the next release. As a work around: open the project source page, scroll down, change the application type of the application to 'X', save the code and reload your project.