Crud form

A basic 'CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete)' form is a standard form with fields and a toolbar to maintain records in the selected table. This application type can be generated by using the application wizard by supplying a name for the module and selecting the table to create the form for. Once generated, you can change all properties, like the toolbar, the fields, conditions, etc. By using events, you can apply your own PHP code if required.
Genappform Min

Applications are built upon HTML forms.
Here is a simple 'crud' form. Coloring is
performed by applying a bootstrap theme.

How we did it

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In the ribbon menu, you will find the
Application Wizard. In this case, we
choose 'form'.

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The simplest way to generate the Crud
Form is by applying a module name,
selecting the required table, and click on
'create module'.