Announcement PHsPeed 2.3

 administrator    02 Oct 2022
 None    blog


Final beta tests are running...

Now the final test is in progress, we can announce that we will release PHsPeed version 2.3 shortly. As written before, this is a major maintenance release, and the focus was to make the product more future-proof. The applied changes allow us to update parts of the software without creating the full package. Thus making it possible to have more intermediate updates when applicable.

An overview of the new release can now be found in a new section of our website: release notes.

PHP 8.2

Version 2.3 also deploys an initial release of PHP 8.2. Because PHP 8.2 is in development, and the same goes for XDebug you can expect issues. Currently, you can select PHP 8.2 and test your application(s). But PHPMyAdmin, currently does not run under PHP 8.2, and XDebug is not functional. But we will update the modules when they come out. Formal support of PHP 8.2 is expected in the release in January.

Customer Portal

Soon we will deploy our customer portal. This will enable you to view your registration and licenses and to buy/upgrade PHsPeed. In the near future, we will add more functionality.


In the bug tracker are a number of feature requests. We will move them into a separate section, and try to address them. The fact is that we will continue to work on the wizards that allow you to create code-less applications. It is well known that our policy remains to work on applications that require as less code as possible, but that we still believe that developers are needed to finetune and model an application around the business rules. Yes, many managers believe that the users have to learn to adapt to what the application brings, and that software development is too expensive to maintain. But when end-users are not working efficiently, or in an 80-20 model, this will easily lead to less motivation, complaints, ill employees, and can lead to increasing costs. With PHsPeed we try to increase the productivity of developers, with full focus on your end-users.

Customer connection

We are very interested in your opinion about PHsPeed, the good and the bad. We welcome ideas from our customer pool to make the product better. Our increasing customer pool is a real motivation to continue improving the product. If you are a customer and reading this, our forum is a good place to communicate. Consider using the forum if your question could help the community. For fast response, the service desk will always be available.

Happy coding!