Using the application Wizard

Building a Crud application with the Wizard / Application generator

It is evident that everything that the Wizard generates can be done by hand, but the look-and-feel is quite standard. Still, it’s a great way of building fast prototypes and to safe development time. After all, after generating you can modify everything to your command.

You start the Wizard/application generator by clicking on the small puzzle icon in the project tab. You have then 4 options for generating applications:

  • Form

This is a standard crud form, containing a toolbar and all selected fields. With the toolbar you can scroll through your records and perform all Crud actions.

  • Grid 

This is a standard grid based upon a ‘select *’. After generating you can apply search criteria. The used DBGrid component is a wrapper around a bootstrap table and has a very rich feature set. We will discuss its use in a separate document.

  • Form and Grid

This is a form with a grid on one screen. The form and grid are connected, and clicking on a record in the grid will select the record in the form. The toolbar is just like the Form application. Since version 1.3 it is mostly replaced by the next version.

  • Grid with popup form

This is a grid like option 2, but with an edit icon in the grid. Clicking on the icon will open a modal form with a form application as described under option 1

Example of a form generated by the wizard, but with customization (edit field replaced by a drop-down).

The fastest way to generate one of the four options is to select the require application type, to enter a (unique) module name, select a table and click ‘Create module’. It will generate the module that will appear in the project manager. Clicking on it will open the module for modification. It is possible that – depending on your use – that you must enter a connection. Another thing (for forms) is that you can apply the responsive behavior. There are more tabs appearing once you have entered the module name, it allows you to do some presets. 

The fast way of generating forms, grids and cruds is a great way for creating prototypes with end-users as it leads to a fast working application without any coding. Later on, at the office, you can add the ‘specialties’.