PHsPeed Xampp
PHsPeed has a customized implementation of Xampp that contains the Apache web server and MySQL/MariaDb. It uses a non-standard port (8010), so that it should not interfere with your local web server instances, if you have one. Keep in mind that PHsPeed does not install MySQL/MariaDB and Apache as a windows service, instead, it spawns the processes. When you start PHsPeed, then the database and web server will start, if you close PHsPeed, both processes will be terminated.
To start/stop all the servers, you can use the small buttons in the toolbar. Sometimes you can get a SQLite error on the. In this case you can correct using the database icon.
As of PHsPeed version 2.0 the official supported PHP versions are 7.4, 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2. It is possible to use older PHP versions, but that is only if you are a longer user of PHsPeed. The generated code is validated for PHP as of version 7.4.
To change ports and versions click on the toolbar icon:
In rare situations where the IDE crashes, it is possible that these processes will not be terminated. If you restart PHsPeed this will be detected and you get the opportunity to close them.