PHsPeed is an IDE that contains an embedded Chromium browser, an FTP client and a connection to a message server. This means that PHsPeed continuously requires access to the TCP socket to the application in the embedded browser, or get additional modules / updates from the internet. It also generates loads of PHP, CSS, HTML and java script files which is suspicious behavior by default for a lot of virus scanners.

To prevent issues we digitally sign our software for a better reputation, we are in close contact with some of the anti-virus company to get white-listed and our website has been validated by Google, so if you download using Chrome you will not see annoying warnings. Currently WebRoot and BitDefender should not complain too much. If you keep on getting issues, please let us know.

Due to new threads, sometimes virus scanners signal false positive. 

I is possible that your firewall is complaining on TCP access and we recommend to white list the application. All communications between PhsPeed and our servers are done encrypted AND run over HTTPS for optimal security. You cannot register on our website, but you need to use our IDE client to do so. All to keep the eco system as safe as possible.

If the virus scanner complains due to heuristic analysis, please whitelist PhsPeed directory. It is obvious that a PHP generator will generate (a lot of) files and requires the internet to work well. 

As virus scanners are continuously updated, it is always possible that at a certain point PHsPeed will get a false positive signal for any kind of thread. As long as you use the digitally signed version, you can safely whitelist the PHsPeed folder to overcome this issue.

Read our privacy statement on! Aducom Software (the creators of PHsPeed) is a legal Dutch company and complies to the EU privacy laws. These are the most severe in the world.