The fastest way to create a form application is by selecting ‘Form’ and filling in the main form, and creating the module:

  • ModuleId                Enter a unique name that the module will identify
  • Connection                Enter the required connection (defaults to the project connection)
  • Primary table                Select the table from the list you want to generate your crud application upon
  • Tables                        Set checkbox to select all fields of the table (recommended)
  • Number of columns        Set the number of columns for the form.        (defaults to 2)
  • Database                Use DBTable or DBQuery. (defaults to DBTable).

Then click ‘create module.’ That will generate a basic Crud form:

After clicking the generate and run button, you will get something like:

PHsPeed will try to select the appropriate edit component for the fields. However, for lookups, you need to make some manual modifications. Depending on the situation, you can remove a field and replace it, but you can also select the field and transform it into another component. Select the component and use the right mouseclick:

That will open a list of possible options for the field—for instance, a lookup. 

PHsPeed will copy the already known properties then apply the remaining properties. That avoids a whole lot of mouse clicks. 

In the case of many fields, you might want to use tabs. In the wizard, there are more tabs that you can use to customize the application that PHsPeed will generate.

This tab allows you to select the fields used. In general, we advise you to use all fields and hide the ones you don’t need, but there are situations where this is unwanted. If you use this option, you have to uncheck the ‘select all fields’ option on the main tab.

On the next tab, you can find the generated SQL statements. Especially the update tab is interesting as it shows you that you can alter primary keys.

The layout tab allows you to modify the layout of the form. The basic layout is already displayed, and you can make modifications by adding elements to group your fields:

You can fast add a new component to the form with the buttons. Do not use more than one dbnavigator component on the same table. The button is there to add a dbnavigator if you accidentally deleted it.

If you want to divide the form into a tab with two sheets, click on the tab and twice on the tab sheet. Fields need to be applied to a container, so add two panels.

With the mouse, you can move the tab and sheet into the desired position:

Notice that we’ve added a label for the tabs. As you can see, the new elements have the form of the parent. To change that, we need to set up the dependencies of the elements in the tree left of the grid. You can drag-drop the elements:

When you set up the tree, then you will see the parents of the components, change. Without the correct ownership, PHsPeed might not be able to generate the correct order of the components. If that happens, you can always correct the ownership in the component manager. Now all is set, and the application can be generated:

If, for any reason, the form is not generated correctly, i.e., if you have not set the titles of the tabs correctly, then you can always correct it later. Remember, these steps speed up the development process, but you can always change things afterward.