Creating modules
Create the modules for your application. Use the application wizard. More information can be found here.
Best practices.
In general you have two types of database tables in your project. The tables that are part of your business process, and tables that are used as a 'look-up'. In the application wizard you can use the bulk-generator to generate applications of the same type over the selected tables in one go.
Do not start with your RBA module, but do this at the end. While developing it is inconvenient to have to login every time you regenerate your application. As you might add and delete modules, you have to cleanup your security tables with modules that are not in use. A more convenient approach is to wait until you are (nearly) finished and then apply the Role-based security.
Always use the application wizards for your database aware applications whenever you can. They provide a great start of your module, it can be run immediately to see the result and then changed to your specification. The wizards are a real timesaver!
Learn the features of the IDE. There are many functions that help you to provide certain tasks faster. Some of those are:
(Under right mouse click when the cursor is in the form designer).
Add Rows, Columns and Grids
Although it is possible to add rows and columns one by one, by selecting them from the toolbar and dropping them on the form, this option allows you to add multiple rows and columns in one go.
Change owner
You can drag drop components in the component inspector, to move a field to another column, or an column to another row. but when the form is complex and has many fields then this becomes difficult. With the function 'change owner', you can select the new owner, and then the designer will do the hard work.
Bulk Edit responsive layout
Spaces around containers and fields are set by default by PHsPeed and Bootstrap. That can be changed, but doing it component by component is a lot of work. With the bulk editor you can group a type of components and then change this in one step.
Bulk Edit field properties
When you use the wizards, they will set each field as required, except for primary keys they are read-only in update mode. To set fields as not required, or read-only, or you want to change titles, then again, selecting a field and change properties is time consuming. This function allows you to change these properties from one form.