On your website, the link to webinar and courses takes you a grid with the option to search. I used the search terms courses, videos and webinars. I got no results. Can you advise? Thanks in advance
Is it that you cannot get the search to work in your grids? In that case, set the 'searchable' for the fields to search on to true. The fastest results can be expected when you set the pagination property to client.
As of half august, we will restart our webinar series. So the list is empty but will be filled before half August. Currently, there are manuals on their way that explains the working with databases and events that will be released. As the new version is in beta we expect it to be released in August when there are no showstoppers found and usually we will do a webinar for that. During summer we do not do many webinars due to holidays. We are not a huge company and reserve our capacity for support issues during summer.