When creating a form, grid with form or grid with popup form, sometimes after finishing the creation, when I click on the form name in the Project tree, I got this error message:
Unreferenced parent: cpanel_1 for component "<some component name">
Error retrieveing textinfo of: panel_1
If I close the error, the message repeats for various components in the form (rows, columns, dbnavigator, etc).
After closing all messages, I got a grid but no components in the form
Happens on my database, but also on the samples database (employee table).
But I had found no pattern: sometimes it works, sometimes doesn't. I didn't change any option when creating the form, just selectd the table and the index to be used.
I have tried deleting the whole project, creating from zero, and from two different PC's, same results.
If I delete the form, and repeat the steps, and select the very same table, sometimes it works.
Enviroment: standard PHsPeed XAMPP installation.