PHsPeed will generate unique names for components based upon the application name and the component name. But what about your HTML? PHsPeed does not work with IFrames, but generates DIVs and as PHsPeed uses Bootstrap, these DIVS have names and classes

PHsPeed has a standard for this too. All HTML objects will have an id, rendered HTML objects have a  name and an id. Predefined id's are based upon phid_ and the name of the component, similar to the php varialbes. phid_ is used to replace these sections by the rendered code of your application. The rendered HTML objects have the same name as their PHP variable counterparts, and an id_ as prefix in case of an id. 

So if you have a field edit_1 in application cust_detail then the following names will be generated:

php: $cust_id_edit_1  

html: name="cust_id_edit_1" id="id_cust_id_edit_1".