Finalize development
While developing your application, there is a stage where you want to add headers, footers, menus etc. The advise is to wait with this until you are pretty sure that the structure of your application is not going to change too much. Especi
ally when you create menus, apply RBA, etc., it is inconvenient if you have to modify your application. Suppose that you have an application structure, applied, users, usergroups, applications, applicationgroups and then change structure, then you might have to redo a lot of your work. It is evident that you have to change your code over time as you will probably add functionality which need to be applied in your application, but then you are in a maintenance state. During initial development, you might develop new ideas that you want to try out, some modules are deleted and perhaps replaced, etc. All that will cause you to make changes to your menu structure and/or configuration.
After a while developing your application, you will find out that there are modules in your web environment that are removed from your development. The reason is that if you generate code, PHsPeed will generate this in your local web environment. If you remove a module from your development, then the generated code in your web environment is not removed automatically. This can lead to orphan files or other 'junk' that you don't want to move to your production environment. For that reason it is a good practice to purge your deploy environment, deploy your images and regenerate your application fully from time to time, at least before you move the project to your acceptance environment. This will remove all leftovers and avoid potential security risks of users accessing modules that were created as a 'trial' or other reason.
To do this use the 'purge deployment folder' option. Then follow the deployment procedure.