Now you have created a project, you have an initial web page that can be used to start your application. In this course we will leave this page alone for now as we will use it later for our login page. 

We will start by showing you how to create modules in your project. There are a few different ways, you can add a new 'free' module. This is comparable to your main page that has been created when you created the project. But as you most likely want to create crud applications and reports there is a faster way to get started, using wizards.

Creating basic applications

A basic application is actually a blank page where you can put your components to build your form from scratch:

Application:        This is a web page with direct interaction with the end-user. It is a 'run-able' application.

Building Block:        This is a reusable module which can be used in applications. They cannot run independent. For PHP developers: a building block is a 'PHP class'. 

Blank:                This is a web application without a form, and can be used for implementing API's or landing pages for external instances. I.e. return pages from payment providers. 

Application Wizards

Application wizards allows you to generate basic applications without writing code. You assign a database table, the type of application you want and PHsPeed will generate a working application for you. You find the wizards by selecting the item from the top menu or by clicking on the 'apps' item in the project manager.


This is a standard crud page with a toolbar to maintain the records of the defined dataset (table)


This is a standard report of data from a table in Grid form. It is possible to make an editable grid. 


This is a grid with an editable form. If you click in a row, this data will be shown in the form for crud operations.


This is a grid with a popup form. You can click on an icon to popup a crud form, or have direct actions like update or delete a record. 


This is a calendar application, we will not describe this application type in this basic level 0 manual.