PHP Application Generator

  • Status Fixed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category IDE
  • Assigned To No-one
  • Operating System Windows 10
  • Severity Low
  • Priority Medium
  • Reported Version 2.0.X
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes
  • Private
Attached to Project: PHP Application Generator
Opened by aducomadmin - 15.06.2021

FS#330 - Event code is created in the current open file, not the correct component file.

Hi, I’m using PHsPeed 1.3.0 B9 - x64, PHP 7.4.5, standard, included, XAMPP server

When viewing or editing any given PHP file (say I open one of the generated objects PHP file, or even a PHP from the PHsPeed runtime files), if I return to the Inspector TAB, select an object, and try to create or edit an existing event, the code for a new event handler is inserted in the open PHP file.


The system will now open the correct edit mode, and then jump into design mode as a logical event that is nog interceptable. IN this case, a second click is needed to open the editor. Implemented as of build 9 in version 1.3.0


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